Bitcoin-Centric Portfolios
Sample portfolios that put bitcoin front and center

Arranged from "Soft" to "Hard"
1. "Largely Liquid"
- 50% bitcoin
- 50% cash
half the volatility, half the gains and half the losses
2. "Cash Flow + Sats Flow"
- 40% bitcoin
- 25% bitcoin miners/home mining
- 25% real estate/rental properties
- 10% cash
income focused, with significant upside in bull markets
3. "Let's Get Physical"
- 50% bitcoin
- 10% bitcoin miners
- 10% gold/silver miners
- 10% oil & gas stocks
- 10% uranium miners
- 7% cash
- 3% gold/silver
goes heavy on hard assets, and commodity and energy producers
4. "Monetary Moissanite*"
- 90% bitcoin
- 7% cash
- 3% gold/silver
nearly as hard of a monetary portfolio as you can get before you arrive at "#GetOnZero" levels
*moissanite β silicon carbide; nearly as hard as diamond
5. "Get On Zero"
- 100% bitcoin
nothing simpler, but prepare for a wild ride